Early June: Weekly Community Dinner, Harvest, and Garden photos: plus antique blue bottles!

Life goes on. We just found out this morning that Alex Simack, who has been here for only two weeks, has just landed a job in Indianapolis. Bon Voyage, Alex! Which means that since John has also left, to pursue his dream of being a musician in New York City, we now we have two rooms open, one in each of the DeKist houses. Anyone interested in “growing community from the ground up” and might choose to live here, get ahold of us! At least come to one of our weekly dinners. Get to know us. We can all see if you would feel comfortable in this loosely-organized little village inside a suburban neighborhood that values individual expression, group cooperation and effort, and love of the Earth Mother.

Community Dinner

Thursday eve, 7 p.m. Can you tell it was hot outside?

Overview before we begin.

Digging in:

Neighbor Devon brought both his wife and his Mom, both for the first time.

Serious talk in the heat.

Of course, kids on screens . . .


Annie, above, is sponsoring a series of concerts in Bean Blossom,  30 minutes east of town. This sunday evening will feature three locals playing only Dylan songs, with Annie herself, in her first solo role. She will open for the group by singing her own just composed song with guitar. Go Annie! I plan to attend.


Friday evening, 5:30 to 7 p.m. I mostly washed the produce which others gathered. Here’s a few shots from when we were about done. Another hot day.

As a special treat, amidst all the spring greens of various kinds, our CSA members were also treated to half-pints of homemade Green Acres radish sauerkraut, plus a splash of parsley and sage:

Filling the bags:

Meanwhile, in the main garden, we’ve had to cover all the brassicas, because of cabbage moths. Unfortunately, some of the covers are winter weight, so we ordered summer weight to replace them. They should be here by the 15th.

Before and after photos:

And meanwhile, Dan’s grandmother just moved into a care home, so she gave both the old stored woodworking and other tools, plus her precious canning jars to Dan, some of which are antique blue, to die for!


1 comment on “Early June: Weekly Community Dinner, Harvest, and Garden photos: plus antique blue bottles!”

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