Tag Archives: yellow dock

June 23, 2023 Work Party: We (Selectively) Clear An Overgrown, Neglected Front Garden . . .

. . . in preparation for sowing root vegetable seed for the fall. Which we’ll do at this Tuesday’s work party, along with finish the job of clearing this garden. What’s left, still too much comfrey. There was way too much yellow dock, and one gigantic burdock. We shoveled the roots out of both kinds.

(I realize that there may come a time when we will need to utilize both yellow dock and burdock for what they can yield to humans. No doubt they have medicinal uses; and perhaps certain parts can be eaten.)

Here’s me, hauling the branches of one of the yellow docks. I decided to leave the root to someone younger.

Camden took on the job of getting the dock roots out. See right front of this montage.

Puppy Shadow makes himself at home next to Ningyao. Below, we’re almost done.

Partway through clearing excess comfrey, and having already taken back a wheelbarrow full of the stuff to the compost in back, I remembered that what we could have done was strip the leaves from the branches, and place them on the beds as mulch, since comfrey pulls up minerals from the soil. So with what’s left of it, I plan to do at Tuesday’s work party; and yes, the whole point of this two-work-party operation is to plant the root vegetable seeds, and cover everything with some kind of mulch, probably straw — and comfrey leaves!

A fun, productive two hours.