LATE SUMMER: new people plans as we work with the natural world

The three “finalists” for our three open rooms will all attend our August 25th Thursday Community Dinner, so that will be fun!

Meanwhile, for last Tuesday work party, Mike, the new neighbor from down the street who wants to work with us, arrived right on time at ten AM. At first we put him to work with others in the main garden cleaning up debris to be composted. Then Marita said she wanted to make a new compost pile. Did anyone want to join her? Instantly, eagerly, Mike accepted. So they both rolled the full wheelbarrow back to our newly re-situated compost area and went to work . . .

. . . with Marita instructing, Mike layering. 


Here’s the main garden harvest for that morning. Keep in mind that we have four other gardens, also producing continuously at this point.

And then, just this morning, new beans starting! Overnight!

What do we do with the surplus? Give share the abundance.


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