Late March 2023: Board Games and Growing Pains

For the last several years, various people who have lived or do now live in the third GAPV house, have sponsored “game nights.” I would hear the buzz about these evenings, both before and after each one, but didn’t pay much attention, just stuck with my own personal routine.

After some months off, it happened again, Game Night. This time, when invited to at least show up for a snack and a glass of wine, I did, shocking myself more than anyone. And of course, was invited to stay. But though actually tempted, I demurred; and after about 20 minutes of listening to Sam and Camden (both at bottom right) explaining to the others how it worked, I took two photos, one of the players learning how to play the game (it’s a bit complicated), and another of the cover of the game. Then I, a creature of habit, went home. 

That was Friday evening. Then, yesterday, Saturday morning, Marita texted me, saying that they stayed up so late the night before that could we start our regular Saturday work party at 11 AM rather than 10 AM.


So, at about that hour, three of us gathered in the greenhouse.

Joseph, who had come late to the game, was already out in the gardens working his designer magic.

For example, here’s how the front of the second house looks now, (still basically the “dead of winter”), with our mother elderberry bush between two trails up.

Very different than the tangled mass of yesteryear! He has little altars there, and invites birds and squirrels to visit.





That’s the street vieww. Here’s the side view. Notice how the goji berry bushes are just now greening . . .


Okay. Back to the greenhouse. While we worked to pot up some little fellers . . .

. . . Camden and Marita told me  what happened the night before. They had stayed up until 12:30 AM, with the last hour spent in wild improv! But before that they had played 7 Wonders the whole time (I left around 8:30; so three hours?)

Learning the game took awhile, but once they all got the hang of it, it was lots of fun; both of them mentioned how much of a surprise it was to find out who actually “won,” since you can’t tell while the game is on; there are just so many ways to gather points, and not all of them public.

I was intrigued. Decided to look it up online. 

Oh wow!

Introduced in 2010 by French game designer Antoine Bauza, 7 Wonders is the most award-winning board game ever . . .!

I told them I would join them next Game Night. 

But might we, please, start earlier, say at 7 PM?

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