Category Archives: Village

Green Acres Village: Thursday, August 8, first of two posts: OUTDOOR KITCHEN WORK PARTY

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More and more, our one to two hour Monday and Thursday morning work parties focus on accomplishing a single task, quickly and efficiently, with Charisse (Rebecca) in the lead, both deciding the project and directing the process. About 9:45 AM we all get a text, announcing that day’s project and where to meet at 10…

Read more at Exopermaculture: Green Acres Village: Thursday, August 8, first of two posts: OUTDOOR KITCHEN WORK PARTY

3rd Work Party, July 15: clearing outside the fence

I’ve been hungering for this project to finally get going. All the rain has made everything both lush and jungle-like. Not always good, especially when we do want to consider the neighbors! After all, we are recreating a new (old) culture inside an existing culture, and the interface between them is not always easy. Not…

via Green Acres Village, 3rd Work Party, July 15: clearing outside the fence

2nd Work Party, July 11: mulching and weeding main garden

Not as many podmates were available for this work party, but Rebecca, Camden and Chris still got a lot done. Plus, the season’s first tomato! The post Green Acres Village, 2nd Work Party, July 11: mulching and weeding main garden appeared first on .

via Green Acres Village, 2nd Work Party, July 11: mulching and weeding main garden

First of three Work Parties, July 8: Completing “The Project”

One of the things we ask podmates when they come to live with us, is to be available for four or more hours of (usually physical) work per week, preferably, but not necessarily, during our twice weekly work parties. We all prefer working together. Time passes more swiftly, with lots of camaraderie, plus so much…

via Green Acres Village, First of three Work Parties, July 8: Completing “The Project”

Thursday Work Party, June 13 [Photos]

Last Thursday saw the weather turn brisk for June. After several thunderstorms rolled through it felt more like early spring or fall! I walked 1.4 miles to get to Green Acres for that morning’s work party and enjoyed the smells on the air that reminded me of my grandmother’s home in the Appalachian hills of Virginia.

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I was no small time away from Green Acres, while pet sitting and having family visit and depart earlier in the week. I’d not gauged the walk time very well, so was late to the party. Roommate Andreas had just returned from California and we shared warm greetings and both ‘welcomed’ the other back home — where the work party was well underway.

I was tasked with pinning down the chicken fence around the coop in back, as we had lost another chick to a predator that we still hadn’t been able to name. When I returned:

L: Dan and Justin, R: Justin carrying heavy containment blocks from the end of the drive.

Last year, the front of DeKist 2 house had a garden bed on the street. Folks eventually parked their cars there after the last growing season. The task ahead was to clear out the good soil and move the containment blocks that lined the drive, to lay gravel and have parking spaces out front. Now that the large trailer is removed from the driveway, we’ll have ample parking for gatherings and future musical events… Yay!

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L to R: Justin setting a block by the pond, Rebecca in the foreground, and Ann. Notice how everyone is dressed for the brisk weather — hard to believe this was June!

L: Rebecca weeding and Dan is street-side on the R where the gravel will go.

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After much care from Rebecca, the beautiful smoke tree has bloomed out front, showing us how it got its name!

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Red lettuce bed is producing well and the color is absolutely stunning.

It was time to put the camera down and cover the potato plants in the next bed with some seasoned hay. Then over to the greenhouse to empty the extra lettuce that didn’t get planted to give nourishment to the chickens. In permaculture, nothing gets wasted in a closed system.


The little ones grow fast and yes, we have lost a few to predators. No matter where you live, whether your bioregion is near ‘tornado alley’ in Southern Indiana or the rolling hills of Appalachia, if you farm — you will experience both the beauty and brutality that is nature. Hope springs from the former but be prepared for the reality of the latter.

Two days later, the Green Acres crew were huddled together in the basement. I was lucky that my pet sitting client has one, too. Feeling very grateful…
